PAPAER CRANES – पेपर क्रेन्स
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हि एका आईने आपल्या मुलाला भयंकर आजारातून वाचविण्यासाठी केलेल्या धडपडीची कहाणी आहे. एका अपघातात लेखिका शेरील यांचा मुलगा जोनाथनच्या मेंदूला जबर मार बसतो. अशा अतर्क्य परिस्थितीतून त्याला जगवण्यासाठी केलेल्या असामान्य धडपडीची कथा म्हणजे हे पुस्तक.
Drawing on Cheryl`s diary from the time, PAPER CRANES tells the story of Jonathan`s extraordinary courage and the koenig family`s unceasing drive to help him defy the ominous predictions. set against the backdrop of Cheryl`s heartfelt grief, denial and anger, the book outlines their desperate search for knowledge in the area of recovery from traumatic brain injury. At the same time she and her husband were forced to deal with the trials and tribulations of the legal system, in their search for justice for their son. This inspirational and uplifting story demonstrates that with right attitude it is possible to determine your own destiny regardless of what life throws in your path.

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